Pensions & Savings

Pensions and savings in France are almost always sheltered within an all-purpose tax wrapper called « Assurance Vie ».

The Assurance Vie is the keystone of the French savings industry and a major buttress to the country's economy. In a nutshell, anyone in France with even a bit of capital, or the ability to save will invest in this product. 

Because Assurance Vie is designed for a variety of purposes, it should always be tailor-made to your needs. It is a means to an end, not a glorified savings account.

Here are some of the main reasons why you may consider Assurance Vie in France:

  • To shelter capital you may want to draw from in a tax efficient manner
  • To pass on your estate in a tax efficient manner, something especially relevant if your heirs are not your immediate family
  • To prepare your pension
  • To protect a family member (disabled child for instance)
  • ...and also to achieve above average return on your capital

Contact Sophia Bruckner

mapIf you need a quote, assistance or advice about your insurance, please contact Sophia Bruckner.

She will be able to help you in English and answer any questions you may have.

+33(0) 553 739 729