Health & Medical

Why is it so important to have a top-up medical insurance in France?
Below you find the most important reasons for this:
- It is a legal obligation for all residents in France to have health insurance.
- The level of reimbursement depends on the treatment you receive – for example a hospital stay of less than 30 days is reimbursed at 80%, and there is a daily hospital charge of 18€ which you have to pay for.
- Specialised and costly medicines which cannot be substituted with a similar drug are reimbursed at 100%, but the majority of medicines are refunded at 65%, and some are only refunded at 35%.
- A top-up policy covers the difference between the amount reimbursed by the Social Security and the cost of your treatment.
- Your top-up premium can be tax-deductible. We have a product for you.
Why choose "La Santé" by Generali?
- You can be covered immediately, and without completing a medical questionnaire, even if you are being treated for a pre-existing or on-going condition.
- If you require hospitalisation, your treatment, room and hospital charge are covered (with a private room covered from level F2), together with assistance which includes up to 60 hours of home help in the event of hospitalisation or immobilisation after an operation, someone to take care of your pets while you are in hospital, etc.
- From level F3, you can also benefit from cover for medicines and vaccines not covered by the state health insurance, together with alternative or complementary medicine such as acupuncture, chiropractic or reflexology.
- You are not alone! Generali accompanies you in your day-to-day life, including delivery of medicines, telephone assistance, mediation in the event of a medical error, legal advice, etc.
- No need to pay up-front – thanks your Generali "tiers payant" card, which is accepted by over 120,000 health professionals, including chemists, opticians, dentists, hospitals, etc.
By the way, we also have a tax-deductible version for professionals!